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A Survey Study of Physical Fitness and Physical Activity Level Among Different Body Weight Groups of the Preschool Children in Taitung County.
作者 黃愫芬
本研究旨在探討不同體位幼兒的體適能表現與身體活動量之情形。研究對象為47所臺東縣公私立幼稚園國民教育幼兒班,737 位滿 5 歲之幼兒。以「檢測體位和體適能項目測驗」與「檢測身體活動量」為研究工具,進行各項測驗。所得資料運用描述\r性統計、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、薛費氏法進行事後比較,及皮爾森積差相關等\r統計分析。結果發現:一、幼兒體重有趨向過重、過輕兩極化現象。二、柔軟度及爆\r發力等,正常體位幼兒顯著優於過輕體位幼兒;平衡性、協調性、敏捷性及肌耐力等,正常體位幼兒顯著優於肥胖體位幼兒;速度,正常體位幼兒顯著優於過重、肥胖及過\r輕體位幼兒。三、正常體位幼兒身體活動量顯著高於肥胖及過輕體位幼兒。四、身體\r活動量較大的幼兒,平衡性、爆發力、肌耐力、協調性、敏捷性及速度等表現較優,\r而身體活動量與柔軟度之間則未達顯著相關。
This research focused on (a) understanding the body composition of children, (b) comparing the differences in physical fitness of children among different body weight groups, (c) comparing the differences in physical activity levels of children among different body weight groups, and (d) investigating the related information on physical activity levels and physical fitness of children. The subjects for this study consisted of 737 preschool children at age 5 from 47 preschool child classes in Taitung County. Quantitative method was implemented. The physical activity levels of children wearing pedometers for 10 consecutive days were examined, and 7 physical fitness performed by children were tested. Statistical methods including sample date compiled descriptive statistics, and one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Pearson's product-moment correlation were used to analyze the acquired data. 1) Children's weight tended toward polarization in overweight and underweight. 2) In the level of explosive strength and flexibility, normal weight children perform better than underweight children. In the level of balance, coordination, agility, and muscular endurance, normal weight children perform better than obesity children. Furthermore, in the level of speed normal weight children perform better than underweight, overweight, and obesity children. 3) Normal weight children have the highest level of physical activities, followed by obesity children, and underweight children is within the lowest level. 4) For individuals that involved in more physical activities, whose balance, explosive strength, coordination, agility, muscular endurance, and speed, are more outstanding. However, no significant differences in flexibility were found. In conclusion, the children who are obesity and underweight show inferior performance in physical fitness and lack for physical activities. Furthermore, physical activity profoundly affects physical fitness performance of children. Implication of this study about children’s motor education will be discussed. The more physical exercises they participate, the better performance they will show in physical fitness.
起訖頁 091-112
關鍵詞 體適能身體活動量體位電子計步器5 歲幼兒physical fitnessphysical activityweight statuspedometer5 year-old children
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201208 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 醫療專業人員對特殊需求幼兒入小學普通班準備能力看法之初探性研究
該期刊-下一篇 從德國及日本的幼托現況與師資培育看我國幼托整合




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