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From the Integration of Education and Care and Teacher Education in Germany and Japan to the Enforcement of the Integrated Kindergarten and Nursery School Policy in Taiwan
作者 張子嫺 (Zih-Shian Chang)曹純瓊
隨著「幼兒教育及照顧法」於 2012 年 1 月 1 日起生效,幼托整合制度正式上路,我國幼兒教保服務邁入新的紀元。在幼托整合制度實行,政府展現完備\r學前教保制度、使師資培育學制化及專業化、使家長得到最適當的服務、幼兒得以獲得最適當的教育與照顧等決心的同時,許多因幼托整合衍生的問題值得探討,其中之一\r便是整合後師資的培育與養成。本研究採文獻分析及比較分析法,探討當前幼兒教育發源地-德國、以及影響我國幼教發展的日本之幼托現況及師資培育制度,提供我國幼托\r整合制度執行之參考。根據研究結果提出師資培育管道與課程、特殊幼兒受教權與機\r會、幼托人員薪資待遇、幼托小課程銜接、及幼托師資多元化等具體建議。
As the “Law of Early Childhood Education and Care” is in forced at the very beginning in 2012, the Kindergarten and nursery school have been integrated, and both of them offer children education and care under the same auspices from Ministry of Education now. After the integration, the teacher education for early childhood education and care should be professionalized in college and university, to provide a better service for children and their families. With the new policy, some problems are occurred and should be discussed, especially the teacher education system. To learn a lesson, the current study introduced and analyzed the teacher education systems from German and Japan and proposed suggestions on five domains: teacher education and curriculum, integrative education for children with special needs, salary, curriculum connected with the elementary school, and muti-services.
起訖頁 113-132
關鍵詞 師資培育幼托整合teacher educationthe integration of kindergartens and nursery schools
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201208 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 臺東縣不同體位幼兒的體適能表現與身體活動量之研究
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒園教師對幼兒體能遊戲教學態度初探-以花蓮縣南區為例




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