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Research on the Attitude of Teaching Physical Fitness and Play Curriculum for Kindergarten’s Teachers in South of Hualien County
作者 傅建益
本文旨在探討偏鄉地區幼兒園教師對於幼兒體能遊戲課程的普遍性認知概念和個\r別性實施意願究竟為何?並在此一過程中嘗試理解偏鄉地區幼稚園教師幼兒體能教學\r的實施現況和實質困難何在? 花蓮縣南區因為地形上的限制和交通上的不便,一直以來都處於文化刺激不足、\r社會關懷不夠和教育資源欠佳的偏弱勢狀態,直讓所有關心教育者憂心不已。教育部\r普設國幼班的政策下,屬於本地區幼兒的受教機會瞬間提升,而多元的幼教師資源源\r湧入,除了帶來外界資訊和教育刺激外,是否真正融入、掌握偏鄉地區幼兒的天賦潛\r能予以開發,便成了數年來研究者關注之點。 透過入班觀察和焦點團體訪談,期盼真正了解幼兒園教師在與本地區幼兒潛在優\r勢的肢體能力息息相關的幼兒體能教學上,基本認知態度和實際操作情形事實為何?\r遭逢困難和渴求助力是什麼?初步探討提出粗淺性結論並依據結論做出相關建議。謹\r此拋磚,冀求更多有心者更加深入之研究發現也!
Young children in the southern part of Hualien County have long been neglected due to the geographical and transportation factors. Nonetheless, ever since the Department of Education carries out its policy of establishing as many as possible the publicly-funded kindergarten classes in rural areas in Taiwan, the local kindergarteners have now begun to enjoy more chances of better education as well as teachers from all over the country. Yet, whether these newly arrived teachers could identify the features or understand the potentials of their native students has thus been a concern of the researcher. Therefore, the research questions of this study consist of the following: 1) what are the general viewpoints and the degree of individual willingness of these southern Hualien kindergarten teachers towards their students’ physical fitness and play curriculum? 2) What are the difficulties encountered by those kindergarten teachers who have executed such a curriculum? The researcher collected data through classroom observation, focus group and in-depth interviews. After data analysis, conclusions and suggestions were obtained so as to answer the research questions.
起訖頁 133-150
關鍵詞 花蓮縣南區幼兒幼兒體能遊戲southern Hualienkindergartenersphysical fitness and play curriculum for young children
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201208 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 從德國及日本的幼托現況與師資培育看我國幼托整合
該期刊-下一篇 實施品德教育課程對幼兒品德行為表現之研究—以臺中市某公立幼稚園為例




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