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Medical Professionals’ Perspectives on School Readiness for Young Children with Special Needs into Elementary Schools: A Preliminary Study
作者 陳韻珍朱思穎 (Chu, Szu-Yin)
本研究為初探性研究,旨在初步了解醫療專業人員對特殊需求幼兒,入小學普通\r班之準備能力的期待與看法。研究者在文獻分析後,併以準備能力之相關研究為其基\r礎,發展符合本研究目的之問卷。經由專家建議對問卷題目進行刪減或增加,並以調\r查研究法進行前導性研究以建構問卷之信效度。為符合研究主旨,採立意取樣法邀請\r醫療專業人員參與,研究對象為需有服務過大班升小學一年級接受國民義務教育,且\r為發展遲緩或輕度障礙的特殊需求幼兒之語言治療師、物理治療師、以及職能治療師\r等 24 名醫療專業人員。研究者將蒐集的資料整理並進行分析,最後整理出醫療專業人\r員的期待與看法。根據此研究結果,希望未來在跨專業建議上能達成共識,並提供幼\r童入小學前之適切準備能力培養方向,以降低幼童入小學後的適應問題。
The purpose of this preliminary research was to obtain preliminary information on the perspectives and expectations of medical professionals on school readiness for young children with special needs into regular elementary classrooms. The other objective was to further develop an instrument, which was based on the literature synthesis as well as the research foundations of readiness. A pilot study was conducted using survey research design with regard to construct validity and reliability consistency. The pilot-tested participants’ feedbacks were analyzed and compared by the researcher to refine the instrument of the goal of improving internal validity. To meet the goal of this study, the purposive sampling was used, and the following criteria were used to select target participations. They should: (a) serve students during transition period (from kindergarten to elementary school); and (b) provide services for the young children with developmental delays or with mild disabilities. Total of 24 medical professionals, such as speech therapists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, participated in this study. The results of this study would hope to establish consensus for the appropriate suggestions of placement across disciplines, and further promote learning outcomes of young children with special needs.
起訖頁 069-090
關鍵詞 特殊需求幼兒醫療專業人員入學準備能力young children with special needsmedical professionalsschool readiness
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201208 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 參與弱勢學童輔導服務學習之幼教系學生對於教育理想與實踐之省悟
該期刊-下一篇 臺東縣不同體位幼兒的體適能表現與身體活動量之研究




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