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An Action Research on the Impact of Aesthetic Experience for Adolescents’ Singing Teaching of Pop Music
作者 李君如 (Chunju Li)陳郁欣 (Yu-Hsin Chen)
This research aimed at probing into the impact of the pop music and singing teaching on teenagers' aesthetic experience. It also provided improvement strategies and innovative teaching plans, basing on the problem that teachers might face when carrying out pop music and singing teaching courses for teenagers. The study involved conducting an action research project on the first grade students in junior high schools and a cyclic teaching plan designed with four themes-encouragement, relationship, friendship and love. Besides the researcher's personal participation and observations, the research also included several study tools, such as students' learning sheets, communication books, teaching journals, videos of the class, preferences for pop music questionnaires, music learning experience questionnaires and singing and aesthetic experience questionnaires. The study has found that it is possible to improve students' artistic abilities, to progress their singing skills, and to strengthen their confidence of singing, by teaching them pop music and singing. On the part of humanities accomplishment, the study has also demonstrated that pop music and singing teaching is effective in responding well to the matters of four themes as well as providing positive influence. Teenagers know the beauty of harmonious coexistence between humans and pursue it. Moreover they understand the importance of interpersonal communication and relationships. The conclusions of this research were made to provide references for further studies by educational administrative organizations, educators and future researchers.
起訖頁 15-46
刊名 教師專業研究期刊  
期數 201206 (3期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 從生態觀點探討兒童規律運動行為的養成
該期刊-下一篇 國小二年級資深與實習教師科普寓言教學之研究




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