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Deceived by Trust: The Analysis of a Financial Fraud Gang in Taiwan
作者 吳宗昇林丞閎
Financial fraud (Ponzi scheme) is disguised as long-lasting and professional financial investment, and initiated by deceivers who utilize signals from social networks, institutions and general values to attract investors who are in a familiar network. Our data came from both in-depth interviews and secondary materials. We found that financial fraud attracts members from existing social networks, and it manipulates signs in order to exhibit a successful financial investment. Deceivers rouse the quasi-family emotion to consolidate relationships among core groups, by both holding special activities to build up collective effervescence and creating an impression of counterculture to, therefore, maintain the legitimacy of mimicry. Members of fraud gang encounter a dilemma of simultaneously being both a deceiver and a dupe, which makes it very difficult to leave the gang. We conclude that financial fraud was born with society, and sticks to both the surface of institutions and the interior of social networks, thus coexisting with financial activities and society.
起訖頁 101-146
關鍵詞 信任老鼠會(龐氏騙局)吸金詐騙金融社會學trustPonzi schemefinancial fraudfinancial sociology
刊名 思與言  
期數 201203 (50:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 古埃及智慧文學中的「形象表達」
該期刊-下一篇 華僑學校在韓國的法律地位變化與生存策略(一九七八至二一)




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