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The Legal Status and Survival Strategies of Overseas Chinese Schools in Korea (1978-2010)
作者 王恩美 (En-Mei Wang)
With a history that can be traced back for more than a century, overseas Chinese schools are not only the earliest but also currently the most common foreign schools in Korea. Before the 1970s, these schools were not governed by the laws of Korea. It is only in the 1970s that overseas Chinese schools were legally recognized, not as schools but as ”foreign organizations”. Due to the financial and economic crisis at the end of the 1990s, the Korean Government loosened its restrictions on foreigners and rescinded the registration rules for ”foreign organizations” in the hope to attract more foreign investors, changing the legal status of overseas Chinese schools from ”foreign organizations” to ”schools of varied types”. As a result, overseas Chinese schools obtained their legal status as ”schools” in Korea for the very first time. In this paper, the change of legal status of overseas Chinese schools in Korea and its influences on the schools will be investigated, along with a discussion on the dilemma faced by the schools and their survival strategies.
起訖頁 147-190
關鍵詞 韓國華僑韓國華僑學校華僑教育法律地位生存策略overseas Chinese in Koreaoverseas Chinese schools in Koreaoverseas Chinese educationlegal statussurvival strategy
刊名 思與言  
期數 201203 (50:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 殺熟:一個臺灣金融吸金詐騙集團的分析
該期刊-下一篇 語言人類學對跨文化研究的啟示




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