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The Figurative Expressions in the Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Literature
作者 徐詩薇
The figurative language is a rhetorical style that consists of the comparison and metaphor. Figurative expressions appear almost in all languages and at all times and can be categorized as groups of words that include a comparison or a figurative sense. The ancient Egyptian texts, no wonder, use also figurative languages. Type and quantity of figurative expressions vary depending on the genre of text. The wisdom texts play an important role in the ancient Egyptian literature. The main point of these texts is that the older give young people many useful advices and show them the right ways. The wisdom texts are witnessed since the Old Kingdom, unfortunately they are not totally preserved. Until up the early Middle Kingdom the wisdom texts are more complete and the figurative language is also more used than before. This article focuses on the figurative language and the categories of tertium comparationis in the wisdom texts and discusses its purpose and usage.
起訖頁 71-100
關鍵詞 古埃及智慧文學比喻隱喻比較物Ancient Egyptwisdom literaturecomparisonmetaphortertium comparationis
刊名 思與言  
期數 201203 (50:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 從基礎邁向上層建築:英國左派理論與政治的變革
該期刊-下一篇 殺熟:一個臺灣金融吸金詐騙集團的分析




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