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The Strategic Interest of the ECFA: a Politico-Economic Analysis on Regional Economic Division of Labor
作者 蔡宏政
This article analyzes Taiwan's strategic position by signing ECFA in terms of international political economy. We first argue that the core of the East Asian open regionalism after WWII was the US-Japan security treaty and flying geese production networks. Both of them worked together to support the US hegemony in East Asia. However, flying geese system was transformed and ex tended to include China after the 1980s due to the US financial regulation, new division of labor due to technological innovation, and Chinese economic reform. As globalization in this region was set back by the East Asian financial crisis in 1997 and failure of Doha round of the WTO negotiation, ASEAN plus one emerged as a new model for economic regionalization, in which China 's influence was weighted and created Taiwan's ECFA issue. Nevertheless, The US hegemony, which stands for open East Asia n regionalism, still holds a firm regional leadership and therefore counter-balances a closed East Asian economic regionalization. We argue that Taiwan should keep a subtle balance in this regional transformation and measure its own strategic position by four criteria, that is, regional military change, international financial standard, global final market, and technological leadership.
起訖頁 135-165
關鍵詞 EFCA全球化東亞區域性美元循環East Asian open regionalismregional transformationUS hegemony
刊名 思與言  
期數 201109 (49:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 愛恨ECFA:兩岸貿易與臺灣的階級政治
該期刊-下一篇 離返與性別規範:一九六至一九七年代沖繩諸島的臺灣女工




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