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Roundtrip and Gender Norms:Taiwanese Female Emigrant Workers in Okinawa Islands from 1960 to 1970
作者 邱琡雯
Viewing from the perspectives of ”roundtrip and gender norms”, this paper analyzes Taiwanese female emigrant workers ' transnational life experiences in Okinawa islands from 1960 to 1970 from the standpoint of sending country instead of the receiving one. The data were obtained through interviewing eight woman workers in Dalin township, Chiayi County. The main findings are: (1) For wives to work as emigrant workers was considered a strategy of sustenance and improvement for their husbands ' families. The husbands' families exert inf1uence on the wives' motive of working abroad and their migration style. (2) Not only had the female emigrant workers to endure all kinds of hardship, but also financially contribute to their husbands' families when they return. They had no power to dispose any of their income, and their situation in the husbands' families remained unchanged. Moreover, these women never reflected on their inferior positions under the village's patriarchal culture. To conclude, the ”roundtrip” experience bring no change to the status quo of these female workers because (1) they are deeply influenced by the traditional gender role; (2) the hierarchical system in the village's traditional patriarchal family is almost impossible to accept any change.
起訖頁 167-218
關鍵詞 性別規範臺灣女工跨國勞動遷徙家族生存策略gender normsTaiwanese female emigrant workerstransnational labor migrationstrategies for family sustenance and improvementand improvement
刊名 思與言  
期數 201109 (49:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 如何看待ECFA簽訂的戰略利益:區域經濟分工轉型下的政治經濟分析




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