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Japanese Archaeology and Nationalism: Ideologies behind the Early Paleolithic Frauds in Japan
作者 吳偉明
The year 2000 was a bad year in Japanese archaeology. The stone artifacts in early and middle Paleolithic sites in Japan were found to be forgeries planted by the amateur archaeologist Fujimura Shinichi. This scandal destroyed the credibility of the existence of the early and middle Paleolithic in Japan. The disgraced Fujimura took all the blame and responsibilities. Playing the victim role, government agencies, regional governments, the media and academia joined the chorus of Fujimura bashing.This paper examines the ideologies behind the early and middle Paleolithic frauds in Japan, showing that it was indeed a conspiracy involving government agencies, regional governments, the media, and academia. Fujimura's problematic archeological discoveries were used by the officials, scholars and journalists to pursue their political and intellectual agenda. Through textbooks, museums and designated cultural assets, the officials of the central government used Fujimura's findings to enhance national pride and cultural nationalism. Regional governments strove to promote local identity and tourism. The academia and media added fuel to the fire by supporting and promoting Fujimura's findings.
起訖頁 85-108
關鍵詞 日本考古學民族主義政治意識型態學術欺詐Japanese archaeologynationalismpolitical ideologyacademic fraud
刊名 思與言  
期數 201012 (48:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 作為政治神話的「榜樣」與社會主義新人的塑造:「雷鋒」符號的生產、運作機制與公眾記憶
該期刊-下一篇 ⋘黃庭經⋙與唐代道教修道轉型




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