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Huangting jing and Transformation of Taoist Monasticism in Tang
作者 李平
The academy has pained attention to Huangting jing (The Yellow Court Scripture) for a long time, however, the study on its use status in the Tang Period hasn't fully developed. Basing on the deep discussion on theory from the Taoism itself in the early and middle Tang, the understanding about Immortality was changed. In correspondence with influence of the academic achievements, the original distinct margin between ”long life” and ”Immortality” began to disappear. The relevant technology and classical books in accordance with the theoretical tendency was considered as the method to Immortality, Huangting jing was one of the classical examples. The turning point occurred mainly in the late Tang and it gained primary statute in the Northern Song Dynasty. The changes appeared in many aspects, and this article will include the following three: the process of people to recognize the statute of Huangting jing as the highest scripture, the changing of its role in the Taoist practice activities, and the gathering and massive appearance of relevant events of Immortality. And on that basis, in the late Tang, through amalgamation with Method of ”Qi” in the practice of Tao, Huangting jing had enforced its statute as way of immortality by displaying its holiness in the representative of holy events. From the bottom to the top, the new development from the grass roots influenced the Monasticism Taoist and even the criterion of Catechism and official attitude of Tang, and finished establishment of the statute of scripture in the field of Taoism.
起訖頁 109-155
關鍵詞 黃庭經道教修道氣法唐代Huangting jingTaoismTaoist MonasticismQiTang
刊名 思與言  
期數 201012 (48:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 日本考古學與民族主義:前期舊石器捏造事件的意識型態
該期刊-下一篇 北宋理學「天人之道」溯源:以唐中葉「氣、天、易」為線索




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