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The 'Example' as a Political Myth and the New Socialist Men Shaping: The Production, Operating Mechanism and Public Memory of Lei Feng
作者 袁光鋒
Political myth, which can construct and maintain the legitimacy of the ruling order, is a part of the political life of mankind. Political myth can be a set of ideology discourse system, as well as a concrete paragon. In the political domination mode of Chinese Communist Party, a series of political myths have been created. During that special period, these political myths were close responsible for shaping new socialist people, at the same time, they played an important role on political mobilization and gathering strength and popular support for various political movements.Political myth has become a political symbol since it is created. And the social memory of the symbol is produced by various festivals and rites in daily life. The public absorb the values which are attached on the political myths and form their own behavior via learning and imitating those political myths. After a long period of persistence, they will form the political personality of new socialist people by self-transformation, in line with the needs of the political party to maintain its ruling order.The thesis takes the produce of ”Lei Feng” as a case and ”People's Daily” related reports as the analysis texts, discusses the produce, communication and specific operational skills of modern political myth. Meanwhile, the paper also focuses on the fade-away of ”Lei Feng”myth in the background of the changes of relationship between the state and society. Taking ”Lei Feng” myth as an example, the thesis aims to explore the interaction between the official and the folk in totalitarian era, how did the power changes between the two set up new features of party ideology, and influence its effectiveness.
起訖頁 23-84
關鍵詞 雷鋒政治神話政治動員社會記憶社會主義新人Lei Fengpolitical mythspolitical mobilizationsocial memoryNew socialist man
刊名 思與言  
期數 201012 (48:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 從邊疆史到臺灣史:世變下郭廷以史學的一個側面
該期刊-下一篇 日本考古學與民族主義:前期舊石器捏造事件的意識型態




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