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Liberalism in China's Transitional En: From Yan Fu to Hu Shih
作者 丘為君
Influenced by the ”Western impact” in late Qing period, the mainstream Chinese intellectuals regarded Western liberalism as a panacea of China's ”wealth and power.” These intellectuals were fascinated by this foreign ideology that they helped to introduce to China. However, the journey of liberalism of the East is quite different from that of the West. China was under Western imperialism and dismemberment during the ”Transition Period (1895-1925).” Because of her special historical background, China had many intellectuals who had considered liberalism as a novel idea to save the country. They struggled with a dilemma of accepting liberalism in an individual or collective way, which would transform to individual right or popular right. This paper will shed some new lights on major branches of liberalism including: 1. Individual will and collective will, 2. Liberty and ethics, and 3. Liberalism from the Chinese anarchist's viewpoints. The development of liberalism in modem China is however, beyond the scope of this paper.
起訖頁 37-78
關鍵詞 自由主義轉型時代嚴復梁啟超胡適李大釗無政府主義liberalismtransitional eraYan FuLiang QichaoHu ShihLi DazhaoAnarchism
刊名 思與言  
期數 200906 (47:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 心平氣和論胡適
該期刊-下一篇 ⋘自由中國⋙五四觀的型塑與運用




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