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The Study of the System of Athletics' Training Cultivation and Their Career Safeguard in Taiwan Based on the Strategic Viewpoint
作者 李建興 (Chien-Shing Lee)
Under the globalization today, the performance of sports contests is one of the critical competitive index received attention by most people. The system of athletics' training cultivation and their career safeguard plays an important role for the results. Therefore, this study is to clarify Taiwan's system of athletics' training cultivation and their career safeguard, based on the theories of strategy management to analyze the present practical policy. The results are as follows: 1. Because of the operation of the post-colonialism in the field of Taiwan's sports, many better athletes play abroad. Moreover, people in Taiwan consider sports as one tool to solve their confusion of international approval and self-identification. The above factors become the barriers of the wholesome development of athletics' training cultivation. 2. The system related to athletics' selection, training and contest in Taiwan is inclined to socialism. But the market faced by most retired athletes is inclined to capitalism. The inconsistence and confliction between these two polities cause many problems to the attention of athletes' carrier. 3. The initial resolution of these questions under research, comes from the sincerely recognition to sports, sportsmen and coachers by Taiwanese.
起訖頁 215-249
關鍵詞 選手訓練生涯發展競技運動策略政策athletes' trainingcareer safeguardstrategypolicy
刊名 思與言  
期數 200903 (47:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 身體的競逐與身分的游移臺灣首位奧運選手張星賢的身分認同之形塑與其糾葛
該期刊-下一篇 論古埃及女性的地位和權利




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