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Physical Competition and Identity Vacillation: The Molding and Entanglement of the Identity of Zhang Xing-xian, Taiwan's First Olympic Athlete
作者 林玫君
Zhang Xing-xian was the first Taiwanese to participate in the Olympic Games, as well as an elite athlete who was caught in the maelstrom of the colonization by Japan and the rule by the Nationalist government. Owing to the changes in the situation of the times and his peculiar track and field career, he was confronted with the complicated issue of identity all his life. By starting from the angle of historical research, this article uses Mr. Zhang's Chinese autobiography and hard-to-come-by Japanese autobiography as core materials, coupled with other related historical materials, to clarify the erroneous statements in some historical materials through meticulous delving and exploration; it also attempts to represent the entanglement of historical memory, athletic image, and Olympic experience of Zhang Xing-xian, as well as the ambiguity and variety of his identity, thereby interpreting the multi-layered and intricate aspects of Zhang Xing-xian. As for the layout of the text in this sections, the exposition is made in accordance with the chronological order in Zhang's track-and field developmental process. The first section deals with the process of enlightening influence that ”modern athletics” exerted on Mr. Zhang and the beginning of the emergence of his consciousness of resistance. The second section dilates on Zhang's sentiment toward Japan, Manchuria, Peiping, and his homeland, Taiwan, as well as his wavering identity. The third section explains Zhang's viewpoint on resistance from the perspective of his contrarian identity in the form of ”using acceptance as resistance.” The fourth section covers the years from 1945 to 1949 when Zhang vacillated in ”identity in his sentiment toward fatherland and Taiwan.” Finally, Zhang was engaged in conflict with expatriate mainlanders who had come to Taiwan, meanwhile displaying pro-Japanese sentiment. From Zhang's track-and-field world and historical enlightenment, it can be found that always caught in the massive societal undercurrent of multiple sources of identity Zhang had been wavering in his identity from beginning to end.
起訖頁 127-214
關鍵詞 張星賢奧林匹克運動會身分認同體育菁英Zhang Xing-xianOlympic Gamesidentityelite athlete
刊名 思與言  
期數 200903 (47:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 體育與運動之間:從迥異於西方「國家市民社會」二分傳統的發展軌跡談運動在臺灣的現況
該期刊-下一篇 我國競技運動選手培訓與生涯照顧體制之研究策略思維觀點




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