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The Research on the Factors Influencing Promotion of Employees-Sex Differentials Analysis Included
作者 張茹娟江建昌
This paper utilizes survey data from an incorporation primarily of male employees in domestic electric appliance industry (N=189), and another one of female employees in textile industry (N=108), to investigate the factors affect which employees is promoted, and the employees' expectation to be promoted or not in the future. Besides, the analysis of the difference between sexes is applied. The results show that the period of service, industrial character, sex and general training interaction term, industrial character and general training interaction term are the important factors to affect employees are promoted or not, and the expectation of promotion. Education is not direct influence on promotion, but through taking training to affect promotion. The research demonstrated that both taking general training employees, workers of male centralized domestic electric appliance industry than female centralized textile industry have more promotion and the expectations. Both taking general training employees, male workers than female workers have more promotion and the expectations in different industry and in the same industry. The reason is the stereotype of traditional sex roles that making female worker in female centralized industry, and effecting employer making decision about promotion. Therefore, the further research may examine how the process of selecting employees to be promotion is influenced by the stereotype, and collecting promotion data about employees.
起訖頁 145-193
關鍵詞 在職訓練性別差異社會歧視陞遷On-the-job trainingSex DifferentialsSocial DiscriminationPromotion
刊名 思與言  
期數 200503 (43:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣非政府組織促進人權之策略與挑戰
該期刊-下一篇 ⋘紅樓夢⋙中秦可卿之情性與生死之謎




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