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Ke-qing Qin's Legend and the Truth of Her Life and Death in The Dreams of The Red Chamber
作者 許玫芳
Between the emotional heaven and emotional sea, the emotional body being a dreamlike change that carved a most obscure woman in The Dreams of the Red Chamber. In this article, I try to study Ke-qing Qin's personality, emotional world and the truth of her life and death. Ke-qing Qin had beautiful shape, but had obstinate personality too. She couldn't make big contribution to the mansion of Ling-Fu because she died too early, but her intelligence could find in Wang Xi-feng's dream about predicting flourishing and wither of Jia family. The case about twins of Ke-qing who went around three men: Bao-yu Jia, Zhen Jia and Rong Jia. Among them Ke-qing had affections of a dream lover, committing incest, and treating each other with respect etc. Because around with triple narration with reality, surreality and adding- erasing, so the novel that filled with strange color. Concerning about the riddle of Ke-qing Qin's death, that probably dying for her serious malnutrition and then caused amenorrhea of hypothalamus to affect her endocrine disorders. Finally Ke-qing Qin went back to the fantasyland with Jian-mei combining into one, and walked into another new and everlasting mythology life. Was three generation's theory of Buddhism existent? After the death of Mankind, we don't know whether they could continue their lives in another space or not? Ke-qing Qin was one of the important roles that authors threw it out for readers to deeply think.
起訖頁 195-232
關鍵詞 紅樓夢秦可卿The Dreams of The Red ChamberKe-qing Qin
刊名 思與言  
期數 200503 (43:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 影響員工陞遷因素之探究兼論兩性差異之分析




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