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Political Policy Considerations for Changing the Medical System in Taiwan during 1970 to 1980: An Examination on Government Intervention and Its Effects
作者 葉永文
During 70s’ to 80s’when Taiwan was operated under an authoritarian system, “Taiwanization” became the political focus and the base of the political legitimacy to tackle with the domestic and international changes then. To meet the political-medical relationship, medical system had to be interwoven to the national governing system. The development of the health care system indicated that the political power was settling itself down in Taiwan at that time. To investigate the political influence on the health care system, the present study aimed to compare and analyze the two systems from three aspects, namely, existing literature, the political policy, and the political power. It showed that the health care system was greatly directed and affected on a large scale by the political situation, the Taiwanization, under the authoritarian system. That is, “the politics directing the health care” and “the health care served the politics” became two sides of a coin,and both of them created the prototype of the “national health care system”. With regard to the analysis strategy, the present study adopted a government viewpoint so that it mainly discussed the political control and rarely touched the issue of the combat of the medical care system. This is the limitation of the present study but it is also the presumption of the discussion.
起訖頁 129-162
關鍵詞 醫政關係醫療政策醫療權力醫療專業威權體制統治relation between the medical and politicsmedical policymedical professionmedical powerauthoritarian systemgovernment
刊名 思與言  
期數 200409 (42:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣高等教育的另一側面:基督書院
該期刊-下一篇 當代新儒學與現代民主政治的「接榫」問題探究




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