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The Ignored Aspect of Taiwan's Higher Education:Christian College
作者 林本炫
在高等教育發展受到廣泛注意的今天,本文探討的是另一個鮮少人注意的議題,亦即存在台灣已經四十年以上的「基督書院 J 。本文以「關渡基督書院」、「基督復臨安息日會三育永督學院」以及「聖德基督學院」三所學校為例,探討台灣的宗教與教育的關係當中,另一個值得注意的課題。所謂的「基督書院」乃是指那些教導一般的高等教育課程,自行頒授學士學位,但在學校內全面實施宗教課程和禮拜活動,因而不合乎私立學校法規定,無法立案的學校。這類基督書院儘管名稱有異,並且有神學系這類以培養神職人員為主的學系,但其性質基本上乃是屬於「教會大學」。在過去,雖然文憑不被官方承認,但它們強調實用課程,並且有較佳的英語學習環境,因此能夠吸引一部份在大學聯考中失利的青年就讀。並且,在不公開招生,並以教會所屬「宗教教義研修機構」的名義存在,教育部實際上並不加以取締。然而,近幾年我國大學入學錄取率快速提高,這類基督書院的學生來源正在流失。隨著政治環境的改變以及招生的壓力,申請立案是它們目前努力的方向之一。基督書院問題的產生,和民國初年「收回教育權」運動的背景有關,我國後來的私立學校政策也一直受此一運動影響。另外,我國過去高度私人化但卻非市場化的高等教育生態,也是形成基督書院問題的原因之一。
Among the many issues discussed by people, an ignored issue of Taiwan’s higher education is explored in this paper. The issue is “Christian colleges” which are existed in Taiwan more than forty years. Three Christian colleges including GuanDu Christ’s College, Taiwan Adventist College and Sheng-Te Christian College are examined. In spite of different naming, the Christian colleges in Taiwan are factually parochial university. During to the “Recovering the national educational right” movements of 1920s in mainland China, parochial school that practices compulsory religious education in campus had no opportunity to exit in China and then Taiwan since 1949. Due to violating the “Private School Law”, these Christian colleges can not be accredited by government. Under the circumstance of the scarce of opportunity to enroll in higher education in Taiwan, these Christian colleges had substantial space to exist by the advantage of teaching practitioner courses and better English learning. But due to the rapid increase of higher education enrollment recently in Taiwan, they have more difficulties in recruiting student. To get accreditation of government is one of their strategies. The issue of Christian colleges reflects the relationship of religion and education, and the ecology of higher education provision in Taiwan in the past fifty years.
起訖頁 93-128
關鍵詞 基督學院教會大學高等教育宗教與教育宗教教義研修機構Christian collegeParochial schoolreligion and educationhigher education
刊名 思與言  
期數 200409 (42:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 教會大學的終結:從中華人民共和國建國初期基督教政策談起並以金陵大學為個案研究
該期刊-下一篇 論1970-80年代臺灣醫政關係一種統治觀點的析評




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