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A Case Study on Principal’s Technological Leadership in Digital Transformation in the Post-Epidemic Era
作者 劉建成陳成宏
In the post-pandemic era, school governance places particular em¬phasis on the transformation of digital environments, where the prin¬cipal’s technological leadership plays a crucial role. A principal with a perspective on technological leadership is not only capable but also adept at developing strategies to create a digital transformation environment within the school. By effectively integrating technological applications, such a principal can provide diverse and enriching learning experiences, ensuring that students are equipped to meet the challenges of the digital technology era. This study aims to explore the difficulties and challenges faced by a junior high school designated as a digital pioneer school in re¬sponding to the digital transformation in the post-pandemic era, as well as the coping strategies adopted by the principal in technological leader-ship.
The research findings indicate that the challenges and obstacles en¬countered by the case study school in promoting digital teaching include: 1) difficulty in grasping the situation of digital teaching on-site, leading to challenges in maintaining teaching quality; 2) difficulties in finding inter¬nal digital professionals to address both teaching support and equipment management and maintenance; 3) the relatively slow pace of adapting to the speed of digital transformation, resulting in insufficient response in the educational field; 4) the pressure of substantial funding required for the rapid replacement and update of information equipment; 5) the iner¬tia of passive school organizational culture, with teachers worrying that changes will bring negative results.
To address the challenges faced by the school, the principal has ad-opted the following technological leadership coping strategies: 1) possess-ing a clear vision of technology direction and establishing appropriate evaluation mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of digital teaching; 2) assuming the role of a technological professional navigator, assisting in guiding members’professional growth and digital training; 3) motivat¬ing teachers to continuously innovate and improve, fully grasping digital trends and pulses; 4) actively seeking various funding sources and care¬fully inventorying available resources within the school for investment; 5) utilizing interpersonal communication skills to resolve difficulties and viewing problems as a driving force for progress.
起訖頁 51-76
關鍵詞 後疫情時代數位轉型校長科技領導Post-Epidemic Eradigital transformationprincipal’s technological leadership
刊名 學校行政  
期數 202405 (151期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 技術型高中校長課程領導之個案研究:以餐飲管理科推動雙語實驗班為例
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒教師工作玩興對工作投入的影響:自我效能感的中介作用




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