201912 (30:6期) Face Recognition Based on Exponential Neighborhood
201910 (30:5期) A Hybrid Recommendation Method Based on Feature fo
201908 (30:4期) A High-speed and Smooth Feedrate Planning Algorith
201906 (30:3期) Automatic Extraction of Fuzzy and Touching Leukocy
201904 (30:2期) Improved BP Classifier via Distance for Sample Red
201902 (30:1期) Services Preloading Scheme Based on Improved Thres
201812 (29:6期) Applying the Chi-Square Test to Improve the Perfor
201810 (29:5期) A Multicast-Tree Construction Algorithm for Effici
201808 (29:4期) The Robot Cognitive Developmental Algorithm Based
201806 (29:3期) Computational Intelligence for Corrosion Rate Pred