人類發展與家庭學報 Journal of Human Development and Family Studies |
201407 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 泛自閉症兒童與母親在遊戲互動中的語用行為之研究 An Exploration of Pragmatic Behaviors During Play Interaction between Mothers and Children with ASD
- 幼兒性別角色概念之探究 A Study of Young Children's Gender-Role Concepts
- 幼兒自尊與同儕社會地位之關聯 The Association between Young Children's Self-Esteem and Social Status
- 新北市家長對嬰幼兒托育照顧的滿意度研究 Parental Satisfaction for Early Childcare in New Taipei City
- 學前幼兒對自己違犯道德事件之敘說成份與判斷 Preschoolers' Narrative Elements and Moral Judgments of Their own transgressions