「北派渡海」──跨海詞學家在臺灣大學的教學研究及其影響 The Teaching Research and Influence of Cross-Sea Ci-Ologists at National Taiwan University
懷念瀟灑名士劉顯叔 Remembering Liu Hsien-shu, a Genial and Affable Scholar
倫敦大學亞非學院臺灣研究中心與《臺灣研究國際學刊》及歐洲臺灣研究協會的現況介紹 Introduction of the International Journal of Taiwan Studies, European Association of Taiwan Studies, and the Centre of Taiwan Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
北美臺灣研究學會與北美的臺灣研究 North American Taiwan Studies Association and Taiwan Studies in North America
南洋潮起―—新加坡國立大學雲茂潮中華文化研究中心簡介 Introduction to the Wan Boo Sow Research Center for Chinese Culture, National University of Singapore