東南亞客家與臺灣客家電視的交會及其意涵:以馬來西亞客家閱聽人為對象 The Encounter of SoutheastAsian Hakka and Taiwan Hakka Television : A Case Study of Malaysian Hakka Audience
客家電影《一八九五》的青少年閱聽人解讀與詮釋 The Signifiation of Hakka Film in the Interpretation of Hakka Youth
台灣客家廣播媒體之組織資訊傳播科技的使用研究 A Study on the Applications of the Information and Communication Technologies for the Hakka Radio Broadcasting Stations in Taiwan
客家族譜線上書寫:以資訊視覺化技術建置客家族譜數位平臺 Online Hakka Genealogy Writing: Using Visualization Techniques for Hakka Genealogy Information System
幼兒園客語系列教材發展歷程及成果 The Process and Result of the Hakka Language Teaching Materials for Preschools