中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica |
202112 (114期)期所有篇 |
- 上海國際連結之一開端:西人與滬城通海航道安全知識的建構與實踐(1843-1858) "The Building of Shanghai’s Early International Links:Westerners’Hydrographic Surveys and Navigational Facilities between the Yangtze River Mouth and Shanghai, 1843-1858"
- 晚清奉天省土地改革與日本關東州土地調查:統治理性與調查學知之比較 Land Reform in Fengtian Province during the Late Qing Period and Land Survey of Kwantung Leased Territory under Japanese Rule:A Comparison of Governmentality and Investigative Knowledge
- 中美特種技術合作所在華氣象情報網的建置與成效(1942-1947) "The Establishment and Achievements of SACO’s Meteorological Intelligence in China, 1942-1947"
- 黃克武,《顧孟餘的清高:中國近代史的另一種可能》 "Max K. W. Huang, Above and Apart: Gu Mengyu and His Search for an Alternative Path in Modern Chinese History"
- 林孝庭,《蔣經國的台灣時代:中華民國與冷戰下的台灣》 "Hsiao-ting Lin, The Chiang Ching-kuo Era: The Republic of China on Taiwan in the Cold War"