中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
201306 (80期)期所有篇
清宮對歐洲自然史圖像的再製:以乾隆朝《獸譜》為例 Reproducing Renaissance Naturalist Images and Knowledge at the Qianlong Court: A Study of the 'Album on Beasts'
產、官合作下的殖民地經營──以日治前期鹿島組的在台活動為例(1899-1926) The Colonial Management through Capitalist-Official Cooperation under the Cooperation of Enterprises and Government: A Case Study of Kazimakumi in Taiwan (1899-1926)
北洋新軍會操研究 A Study of the Military Maneuvers of the Beiyang New Army in the Late Qing