中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
201203 (75期)期所有篇
圖像帝國:乾隆朝《職貢圖》的製作與帝都呈現 Picturing Empire: Illustrations of “Official Tribute” at the Qianlong Court and the Making of the Imperial Capital
文治之下的抗議:嘉慶四年蘇州士人的集體抗議與皇帝的反應 Protest under “Rule by Culture”: The 1799 Suzhou Literati Protest and the Imperial Response
陋規與清嘉道之際的地方財政──以嘉慶二十五年清查陋規事件為線索 Lougui and Local Government Finance in the Early Nineteenth Century: Seen in the Lougui Investigation of 1820
地方宗教傳統與「去中心化」的地方政治:重探溫州金錢會事件(1850-1862) Communal Religious Tradition and “De-centralized” Local Politics: Reconsidering the Wenzhou Jinqianhui Incident (1850-1862)