中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
201109 (73期)期所有篇
中央大學的國民黨組織與國共鬥爭(1927-1949) The Kuomingtang Organization and the Struggle between the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party at National Central University, 1927-1949
公債下的社會衝突──1950年廣州人民勝利折實公債研究 Government Bonds and Social Conflict: A Study of the People's Victory Bonds in Guangzhou, 1950
中華民國與國際奧委會的法理主張與事實論述──墨西哥奧運會的正名交涉,1965-1968 De jure and De facto Arguments in the Negotiations between the Republic of China and the International Olympic Committee: Naming in the Mexico Olympic Games, 1965-1968