醫療資訊雜誌 The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics
201706 (26:2期)期所有篇
探討良性攝護腺增生病人採不同術式後的併發症與術前合併症之關聯 The association between complications after the adoption of different operations and preoperative comorbidities for benign prostate hyperplasia patients
運用開放式地理資訊架構於登革熱防疫機制之研究 Using an Open GIS Framework for Integration of Dengue Surveillance and Control
醫學系學生第一階段醫師國家考試與學習表現之相關性探討--以北部某國立醫學院為例 The Correlation between Medical Students’ Learning Performance to Taiwan Medical Licensing Examination Step1- Example by the National Medical College in North of Taiwan
醫學中心電子報之消費者健康資訊內容分析研究 A Study on Consumer Health Information of Electronic Newspaper of Medical Centers
血液氣體分析儀設置最適性調配研究--以某區域教學醫院為例 The Effect Analysis on the Optimal Deployment of Blood Gas Analyzer in a Regional Teaching Hospital
敗血症流行病學及住院死亡相關因子--採用2013年台灣健保學術資料庫 Epidemiological characteristics and related factors analysis for hospital mortality of sepsis using Taiwan 2013 data as example
利用台灣健保資料庫做腦部惡性腫瘤之研究--分析不同治療方式對高度分化神經膠質瘤之預後 Using the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database for Malignant Brain Tumor Research: Identifying the Optimal Treatment for High-Grade Glioma