醫療資訊雜誌 The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics |
200712 (16:4期)期所有篇 |
- 手術器械之電腦輔助教學與評量系統 Web-based Computer-Aided Instruction and Evaluation System for Surgical Instrument
- 在院中DRGs費用之預測與管理 Prediction and Management of Medical fees when Patients Receiving Cares in Hosiptals under DRGs
- 開發並評估無線射頻技術為基礎之調劑輔助系統 Development and Evaluation of a RFID-based Dispensing Support System
- 一個以電腦加速篩選癌症相關基因的兩段式方法 A Two-Phase Computational Method for the Speedup of Screening Cancer Related Genes
- RFID科技整合影像分析於建構老人跌倒偵測系統之研究 The Study of Integrating RFID Technology with Image Analysis in Building the Elders' Falling Detection System
- 互通性醫療服務協同合作架構之研究--以腦中風病患之連續性照護為例 The Design of an Interoperable Collaborative Architecture for Healthcare Services-- A Continuum Care Service Using Stroke Patient as Example
- 應用院內網路系統因應新制醫院評鑑--以南部某醫院為例 Applying Intranet to Prepare the New Accreditation of Hospital-- a Case of Southern Taiwan Hospital