醫療資訊雜誌 The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics
200612 (15:4期)期所有篇
利用彈性模型預測細胞內水量 Flexible Modeling Approach to Predict Intracellular Water Volume
以Web-KIDMAP提升醫療指標管理:以THIS為例 Improving Hospital Indicator Management with the Web-KIDMAP Module: THIS as an Example
RAIDdb:遺傳及罕見疾病整合平台的開發與建構 RAIDdb: Developing and Constructing an Integrated Platform of Inheritance and rare Diseases
心臟病電腦診斷與決策輔助系統建立之研究--冠狀動脈心臟病為例 A Study of Building Heart Disease Computer Diagnosis and Decision Support System-- A Case Study of Coronary Artery Heart Disease
護理人員自行開發之自動排班系統使用成效評估 Evaluating a Nurse Self-developed Automatic Scheduling Support System
電腦輔助急救學習之成效探討:階段一--以提升某專科護理學生急救知識技能之研究為例 The Effects of Computer-Assisted First Aid Learning: A Case Study of Raising Knowledge and Skill Level on Junior College Nursing Students