Agent-Based數位影像醫療資訊整合及交換共通服務閘道--以轉診系統為例 Agent-Based Common Service Gateway for the Integration and Exchange of digital images-- A Case Study of Referral System
外科病床管理輔助系統 Construction of Bed Management System for a Surgical Department
醫院內部醫療異常事件通報管理資訊系統建置與導入之個案研究--以某區域教學醫院為例 Development and Implement of Internal Medical Incident Event Reporting Management Information System: A Case Study of Regional Teaching Hospital
發展一個以統計分析為基礎之自動分類器用於巴金森氏病的診斷 Developing an automatic classifier for Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis based on Statistical Analysis of SPECT Data