醫療資訊雜誌 The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics
200512 (14:4期)期所有篇
制訂及推動電子病歷內容基本格式之研究 The development of the Taiwan electronic Medical record Templates
流程再造於電子化政府之應用--以建構臺北市政府衛生局聯合稽查單管理系統為例 A Study of Process Reengineering for the e-Government-- Case study of Inspected Documents Management System in Taipei City Government Department of Health
遠距醫療及遠距教學的應用--網路減重計劃之初探 A Pilot Application of Telemedicine and Distance Learning for Weight-loss Program
應用關聯規則在門診處方行為與潛藏藥物交互作用分析的研究 Apply Association Rules on the Analysis of Out-patient Prescription Patterns and Potential Drug-drug Interactions
使用整合能力成熟度模式(CMMI)開發醫療資訊系統之研究--以環境認知式急診救護系統為例 Research of Designing a Medical Information System Using Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)-- The Case of Designing the Situatipn-Aware Emergency Remedy System
在常規電腦斷層掃描影像中自動辨識顱內血腫 Automatic Detection of Intracranial Hematoma on Routine Brain CT