醫療資訊雜誌 The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics
200408 (13:2期)期所有篇
以衛生署2002年網站評獎活動結果:分析台灣健康網站品質現況與發展 The Evaluation of Quality of Healthcare Web sites in Taiwan: the report from the DOH's 2002 Healthcare Web Site Award
2002年未參加台灣衛生署網站評選之健康網站品質分析 The Quality Analysis of the Non-Award-Program-Enrolled Health Websites in Taiwan in 2002
台灣2002年衛生署健康網站評獎活動參與網站之內容建置與網路安全性技術分析 The Technical Analysis of the Content Components and Web Security for the 2002 Health-Web-Award-Program Enrolled Sites in Taiwan
資料探勘在藥物安全上的應用:抗生素初次用量的反應預測 The Application of Data Mining in Drag Safety: Prediction of Outcome for Primary Antibiotic Treatment
新竹科學園區藥品網路訂購系統之建置與實證研究 Constructing the Network Medicine Order Systemfor Hsinchu Science Park and An Empirical Study