醫療資訊雜誌 The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics |
201512 (24:4期)期所有篇 |
- 建置個人健康自主管理電話諮詢服務支援系統之研究 Design and Implementation of a Telephone Counseling Support System for Healthcare Self-Management System
- 影響醫院醫師及資訊主管電子病歷交換意圖之因素 The factors affecting hospital physicians and information officers’ electronic health records exchange intention
- 建置無縫接軌癌症多專科團隊臨床資訊系統--以癌症多專科會議系統為例 Establishing a Seamless Integrated Cancer Clinical Information Platform for Cancer Multidisciplinary Team: Illustrated by the Case of Multidisciplinary Cancer Conference
- 登革熱疫情的空間趨勢分析 Spatial trend analysis of dengue fever outbreak
- 醫院病人安全文化調查結果之儀表板製作 A dashboard used for displaying the results of the hospital patient safety culture survey