醫療資訊雜誌 The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics |
201306 (22:2期)期所有篇 |
- 利用階層式分群法點熱圖以瞭解工業污染地區的死亡風險因子 The Use of Heat Map with Hierarchical Clustering in Mortality Risk to Identify 'Hot-Spots' Risk Factors in Polluted Industrial Areas
- 以全人觀點設計一個機構式老人照護資訊管理系統 The Development of a Holistic-Based Nursing Home Information System
- 行動護理站使用情形及滿意度之調查 Exploring the Usage of Mobile Nursing Station and User Satisfaction
- 應用擴增實境技術建置自助診療衛材教學系統 Using Augmented Reality to Build an Instructional System for First-aid Supplies