健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 Health Promotion & Health Education Journal |
201806 (42期)期所有篇 |
- 醫院志工健康促進生活型態及其相關因素之探討──以南部某家區域教學醫院為例 Health-promoting lifestyles and its related factors among hospital volunteers -- Area regional teaching hospital form Southern Taiwan
- 高中職學生性行為及其影響因子台灣地區高中職學生性行為及其相關因素之差異研究 A comparative study of the sexual intercourse of high school and vocational school students and the factors associated with sexual intercourse in Taiwan
- 臺灣推動老人健康促進之回顧與前瞻 Retrospect and prospect of promoting health promotion for the elderly in Taiwan
- 乾癬患者身體活動、健康體位與乾癬嚴重程度之關聯性 Associations of physical activity and healthy body weight with psoriasis area severity index among patients with psoriasis
- 學齡前兒童的行動科技使用行為現況和親子互動行為的相關性探討:以雙北市為例 Preschool children's behaviour of mobile technology use and their interaction with parents - A survey of preschool children and parent in Taipei area