健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 Health Promotion & Health Education Journal |
201108 (31期)期所有篇 |
- 某醫專護生對病人安全作業認知、態度與自我效能及其相關因素之調查 A survey of the cognition, attitude and self-efficacy of patient safety and related factors among nursing students
- 臨床護理人員之死亡態度 Death attitude among clinical nurses
- 台北縣某綠色學校國小高年級學童環境行為之調查研究 A study on environmental behavior of 5th and 6th graders of a green elementary school in Taipei County
- 探討不同層級因素對青少年吸菸行為階段的影響——以新竹地區高級中學在校生為例 Exploring the effects of different dimensions on the stage of smoking behavior among the senior high school students in Hsinchu area, Taiwan
- 探討新竹市護理人員推荐民眾接種人類乳突病毒疫苗意願的相關因素 Factors associated with nurses’ intention to recommend general population adopt human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination in HsinChu City
- 花蓮縣國小高年級學童健康概念及健康行為之研究 A study of health concepts and health behaviors for senior grade students of elementary schools in Hualien County
- 台灣職場健康促進品質及其相關因素之前驅研究 A preliminary study of workplace health promotion quality and related factors in Taiwan
- 台北市某國小高年級學童垃圾減量行為意圖及相關因素之研究 A Study of behavioral intention on waste reduction for 5th and 6th grade students in a elementary school in Taipei City