健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 Health Promotion & Health Education Journal
200812 (28期)期所有篇
桃園縣國中生性態度現況之調查及相關因素探討 Sexual attitude and its factors among taoyuan junior high school students
台北市國中學生垃圾減量行為意圖及相關因素之研究——以某國民中學為例 Relationship between waste reduction intention and related factors for the junior high school students- an example of one junior high school in Taipei City
臺灣地區國中一年級學生的社會資本與心理健康之研究 The relationship between social capital and mental health toward 7th students in Taiwan
臺北縣家長對學童採取近視預防行為及其相關因素研究 Investigating influences of parents’ adoption on the prevention of myopia for children in Taipei County
金門縣民眾對形成無菸環境之認知、態度與執行把握度等相關因素之研究 The relationships among the cognition, the attitude of becoming smoking-free environment, and the self-efficacy of smoking-free environment toward the people in Kinmen County