健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 Health Promotion & Health Education Journal |
200712 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 流感疫苗接種的健康信念與行為意向之研究 A Study on the Health Beliefs and the Behavioral Intentions of Influenza Vaccination among Health Care Professionals at One Medical Center in Taipei Municipal City
- 臺北市高中職校春暉專案對學生有助益性反毒活動之研究 A Study on the Helpfulness of Anti-Drug Activities Implemented among Senior High/Vocational Schools in Taipei Municipal City
- 自我管理計畫對癲癇病患的成效 Effects of Self-Management program on Epilepsy Patients
- 以歐洲經驗導入台灣未來推動健康促進醫院之建議 Introducing the European Experience to the Implementation of Health Promoting Hospital in Taiwan
- 小學低年級兒童急救教育成效初探——以宜蘭縣三星鄉大隱、大洲國小為例 A Study on First Aid Education Intervened 1 ST Grade and 2ND Grade students in Elementray School in Yi-Lan
- 青少年健康促進議題——青少年性教育之探討 Adolescent health-promoting-Sexuality Education
- 臺北市新移民健康宣導資訊來源管道之分析 The Sources of Health Care Information for the Foreign Spouses in Taipei City