商略學報 International Journal of Commerce and Strategy
201712 (9:4期)期所有篇
共同基金定期定值式投資策略之績效優勢分析與 最適應用情境探討:以台灣股票型基金為例 Performance Advantage Analysis and Optimal Application Situations Exploration for Mutual Funds with Using Value Averaging: Evidences from Taiwanese Stock-Type Funds
「互動與投入」誰才握有臉書粉絲專頁信任與購後行為關 聯性的籌碼?以星巴克(STARBUCKS)為例 “Interactivity and Engagement” Which One Holds a Stake in the Relationship Between Trust and Post-Purchase Behavior in Context of Facebook Fanpages? A Case of STARBUCKS