澄清醫護管理雜誌 Cheng Vhing Medical Journal |
201107 (7:3期)期所有篇 |
- 人體試驗委員會運作時之守密與公開 Confidentiality and Publicity in IRB Operation
- 建構中部地區醫院抗生素合理使用 Implementation of Rational Antibiotic Use in Local Hospital
- 探討喪偶老年婦女之孤寂感因應歷程 An Exploration of the Process of Coping with Loneliness in Elderly Widows
- 心臟血管危險變項之探究式因素分析 Exploratory Factor Analysis of Cardiovascular Risks
- 台灣護理人力面面觀 Multi-aspects of Nursing Manpower in Taiwan
- 運用自我管理照護一位氣喘兒童之護理經驗 Utilizing Self-Management in the Care of an Asthmatic Child: A Nursing Experience
- 運用Orem理論於一位直腸癌患者之手術全期護理 Applying Orem's Theory to Perioperative Nursing for a Patient with Rectal Cancer
- 某加護病房呼吸器相關肺炎(VAP)照護改善專案 A Project to Improve the Quality of Nursing Care for Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Patients in an ICU