國立屏東大學學報:人文社會類 Journal of National Pingtung University : Liberal Arts and Social Sciences |
202008 (5期)期所有篇 |
- 《論語‧八佾》繪事後素異詮比較 The Comparison of Different Interpretation on the Theory of ''Laying Colors on the Plain ground'' in Confucian Analects: Ba Yi
- 詩葦橫渡──從「未曾相逢先一笑」之流衍看詩詞在現代之意義 Poetry Redemption - Discuss the Contemporary Significance of Chinese Poetry from the Widespread Dissemination of ''It Seems Like that Both We Smile at Each Other Before I Happen to Meet You''
- 流亡學生的集體記憶與文化生態──王鼎鈞《怒目少年》的生命境遇與人性審視 Collective Memory and Cultural Ecology of Exile Students - The Life Situation and Humanity of Wang DingJun's ''Juvenile with Angry Eyes''
- 公益廣告圖像視覺風格之注意力與喜好度研究──探討設計系與非設計系學生之差異 A Study on Attention and Preference for the Visual Styles in Public Service Advertisements - Taking College Design Background and Non-Design Background Students as an Example