政大史粹 Collectanea of History NCCU |
201412 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 陰惡之害:清朝前中期西南地區的「漢奸」問題 The Hanjian Problems in the Southwest of China in Early and Middle Qing Dynasty
- 義和團事件中英國對列強遣軍的顧慮及其籲請日本出兵之意義 The British Policy on the Siege of Peking and the Problem of Japanese Relief during the Boxer Rising, June-July 1900
- 梁啟超的「學者」「晚年」形象 Liang Qi Chao's Images as 'Scholar' and of the 'Old Age' in the 1920s: A Re-investigation
- 1950-60年代中華民國對美宣傳政策的轉型 The Transformation of the Propaganda Policy of the Republic of China towards the United States between the 1950s and 1960s