清華學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
202212 (52:4期)期所有篇 |
- 媵制已死,娣媵仍存──以東漢扶風大族與江蘇大雲山西漢江都王陵陪葬墓為例 Traces of Sororal Polygyny in the Han Dynasty: Evidence from Fufeng Powerful Families and Funerary Tombs of the Jiangdu King|Traces de la polygamie sororaleàl'époque des Han: Le cas de grandes familles de Fufeng et de tombes du complexe funéraire du Roi Jiangdu
- 眾神護形,步虛玉京──李白的謫仙詩學 "Gods Protecting My Physical Form"and Pacing the Void in the Jade Capital: Li Bai's Poetics of the Banished Transcendent
- 從現象學觀點看「觀照凌虛境」 The Horizon of Contemplating the Supreme Nothingness: From a Phenomenological Viewpoint
- 殷師的池塘:郭松棻的〈秋雨〉及其七○年代的政治與思想轉折 A Specter of Yin Hai-kuang: Kuo Song-fen's"Autumn Rain"and His Conversions in the 1970s