清華學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201812 (48:4期)期所有篇 |
- 以梅洛龐蒂情感觀論濠梁之辯 Explaining the Haoliang Debate with the Aid of MerleauPonty’s Account of Emotion
- 《莊子》的策略干擾──及對「觀點主義說」的再商榷 Strategic Interference in the Zhuangzi and the Rethinking of Perspectivism
- 孟子論作惡者──一個倫理學之比較研究 Mencius on Evildoers: A Comparative Study of Ethics
- 晚明文學評點視域下的《藥地炮莊》 Yaodi Paozhuang from the Perspective of Literary Criticism During the Late Ming
- 流亡的娜拉:左翼文化走廊上蕭紅的性別話語 Nora in Exile: Xiao Hong’s Gender Discourse in the Left-Wing Corridor
- 說「文」解「字」:張貴興小說與「華語語系文學」的文化想像及再現策略 Explaining “Graphs” and Analyzing “Characters”: Zhang Guixing’s Novels and Sinophone Literature’s Cultural Imaginings and Representational Strategies