音樂研究 Journal of Music Research |
202205 (36期)期所有篇 |
- 聽音樂的習慣與獸醫系學業表現之關聯性研究 Music Habits and Academic Performance in Veterinary Science
- 臺閩客潮曲牌一曲多版本的多元詮釋:以箏曲【靠山】、【寄生草】、【將軍令】、【大八板】為例 On the Multiple Versions of Qupais in Taiwan, Minnan, Hakka and Chaozhou Regions: A Case Study on ''Kaoshan,'' ''Jishengcao,'' ''Jiangjunling,'' and ''Dababan'' in the Context of Zheng Music
- 從民國初年兩位琵琶樂人,看琵琶音樂的繼承與變遷 The Heritage and Transformation of Pipa Music in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: A Case Study of Two Pipa Musicians