「歌劇裡,詩必須是音樂乖順的女兒」--以莫札特三部維也納諧劇為例談義語歌劇的韻文入樂 "bey einer opera muß schlechterdings die Poesie der Musick gehorsame Tochter seyn": On Setting Italian Verse to Music with Examples from Mozart's Three Viennese Opere Buffe
從戲劇到歌劇:布列頓《仲夏夜之夢》的精靈魔幻與象徵 From Drama to Opera: The Fairy Fantasy and Metaphor in Britten's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
琴聲不媚耳:兩戰期間上海的音樂和聽琴 Ear-Pleasing or Not: Listening to "Qin" Music in Shanghai during the Interwar Period