臺大佛學研究 Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies |
202106 (41期)期所有篇 |
- 析論偈頌語言現象與唐宋古德詮釋發展的關係──以《華嚴經》放光見佛偈為例 “The Light Which Lets One See the Buddha”in the Huayan Sutra: Linguistic Features of the Original Verses and Their Hermeneutical Development by Tang-Song Scholars
- 「默默忘言、昭昭現前」──東亞佛教文化視野下的曹洞宗與默照禪 "“Silently and Serenely, Forgetting All Words, Clearly and Vividly, It Appears before You”: Caodong School and Silent Enlightenment from the Perspective of East Asian Buddhism Culture"
- 「佛陀為本」vs.「聲聞為本」──太虛與印順「判教」思想之對比考察 “Buddha-based”versus“Śrāvaka-based”: A Comparative Study of the Philosophy of Pan Jiao between Taixu and Yinshun
- 當代正念課程批評者的雄辯修辭──來自正念減壓教學者的回應 The Rhetoric of Critics of Contemporary Mindfulness-Based Programs: An Response from a MBSR Teacher